I've been going over some of my photos (and you KNOW my collection is humungous) with an eye to color and/or contrast. I use these as inspiration when I go to work on a new textile piece...I looked over these recent ones and was just blown away with the juxtaposition of some colors in nature...I mean, it is not intuitive to me to use maroon and lime green or purple next to orange and green or blue on blue - so I like it when I capture this on film. It helps me break out of the box for the next fiber piece - or reminds me that classic combinations (such as gold and white) are good, too...and high contrast works when there are fine details to distinguish it...
and I've been taking rather mundane but graphic shots... such as these badges from the symposium....
and playing with some of the effects in Paintshop Pro...
to come up with something visually striking (see right)...wouldn't that look good as an overall printed piece of fabric?
maybe something like this:
Pretty interesting for just nametags, huh?
or how about variations of a cinder brick wall? The original was interesting in it's own right (upper left corner), but how cool are the other three?
So even though I've been working on color on color and contasty stuff, I've somehow convinced myself to agree to participate in a 1'x1' one color challege, which is something that's a lot harder than it sounds. But it, too, could be very interesting. Will keep you posted.