Any day you get to wear Pirate Shoes all day has to be a good day!
I think I'll add my skull and crossbones "croc buttons" - as soon as I find them.
I was down in New Braunfels at my department's retreat. Not the kind where you and your co-workers go through 'trust' and 'teamwork' excercises. But the kind where all of the investigators and post-doctoral fellows and students get to sit in a lecture hall (1/2 day Friday, 3/4 day Saturday, and 1/2 day Sunday) and listen to scientific presentations by other investigators and post-doctoral fellows and students. As a worker bee, I'm not subjected to that special corner on a level Dante missed in his travels (for which I'm very grateful).
So my weekend was spent making sure that people had the right nametags and the right room keys etc. etc. and doublechecking that transportation arrangements were going smoothly. I also wandered around the grounds with my camera, and even though it's very much the end of the garden season, and most blooming things were very small, I collected a few more shots for the never-ending supply of flora and abstract pictures. My favorite shot of the weekend was this one:
But I think some of the other ones came out okay as well. And I'm glad to be back home.