The last week has been pretty easy going, except for the high excitement peaks of when I reserved my spot on the Saturn rocket (see last post) and the date with my husband.
I was able to get a lot of handwork done; finished binding this

in a bright
fuchsia, which made the pink in the design nicely 'pop' - but the picture with the binding is still on the camera...which is 'someplace safe' in the house.
And I began knitting up some of the wool I bought at Vicky's shop to make a felted is sometimes so much easier to sit and knit while watching
TV than it is to sew very small stitches...and this week saw the 3 hour premier of Project Runway on the Lifetime Channel, so there was no missing that! I love that show - it fits right in the Shallow TV category. It doesn't hurt that by going out and studying the outfits on the website, you can sometimes learn a fiber technique that might come in handy.
I also love America's Next Top Model (same category): not only because those kids think that being a model is the
Ultimate Lifestyle (somehow they don't see it for the hard work I'm sure it is), but you can learn a lot about commercial photography from the final shots and listening to what Nigel and the other photographers say - it, too, is even better when you go to the website and study the shots. As to the models - sometimes I'm convinced they choose the least mature and the most whiny because the producers think it makes for a 'better show'.
Dave treated me to a lunch date on Saturday - the food was so good and so much, that it nearly
incapacitated us both for rest of the day! He said that when I wrote about it, it would end up being "this really great restaurant - did I mention it had a quilt store across the street??"... It is a good restaurant, by the name of Babe's Chicken House (Cedar Hill, TX). Family style eating...and lot of it...
and while their advertising is a little in your face and their ambiance is a little over the top and the restaurant was really noisy, the food was really good...and there is, indeed, a quilt store across the street, which, of course, we were obliged to go shop in. So it was a really good day!
The lion is coming along (more slowly than I projected) but the body has been finished and the back wing has been completed. Next is the forward wing, the book, the halo, and, last but not least, the face. It is really difficult to figure out what is in front of what so things can be done in the right order!
So tonight I go the the fiber arts meeting, where I get to show off all of the lovely stuff I have FINISHED (that's the cool's finished), I get to see what else everyone else has finished...oh, and the speakers are usually good, too.
And tonight I go to sleep again dreaming about what that rocket panel is going to look like....decisions decisions decisions.